Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Body assembly finished!

Got the back installed today, and that makes the body complete and ready for binding/trim. We got our first rain today and the humidity was at 86%, so I had to wait until 3:30 before it dropped to 52%. Why is that important? The guitar is made of wood, and wood reacts to changes in relative humidity. It will expand and contract a little. So what we want is a body that is assembled right in the middle of the range of humidity, that way we have enough room to go to either end without problems. Let's say we assembled it at 86%, then took it to Denver which is typically 5%. The shrinkage could be enough to cause cracks. In Denver, I used to run a humidifier for 2 days in a small space just to get the number close to 50%.

Side bracing added for strength and to stop any cracks if it's dropped.

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