Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fretting the fretboard...

Pre-bending the fret material.
I fret my fretboard/fingerboards before attaching to the neck as it avoids the tendency of the neck to bow if you fret it in place. Because this fretboard is bound with Koa binding, I need to make the frets overlay the binding rather than stop at it. That means I have to remove a part of the fret tang with my handy "Fret Tang Nippers". Then I shape the ends into a smooth dome using a file so that it doesn't catch any skin while you're running up and down the strings playing the lead from "Hotel California"... 

Also, the fret material is run this handy home made fret bender to put a little curve/bow in them so the ends stay down when in place.

Finally they get pressed into place using a fret presser chucked into the drill press. This is better than pounding them in with a hammer as it applies even pressure.

Nipping the fret tangs.

Fret ready for shaping

Filing the end round
Ready for installation

Pressing in place

Fret installed.

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